Aug 2013


With Ramadan only a week away, it’s good to remind ourselves of the precautions to take on the roads as drivers can be affected by fasting for long periods.

Ramadan can have physical effects including headaches, dizziness and loss of concentration and may also affect a driver’s ability to remain alert and focused while driving. Fatigue reduces concentration levels and increases reaction time to a slow pace.

This year, Ramadan will also start at the beginning of June, which coincides with the hot summer weather.

  1. If you feel sleepy before driving, take a power nap and then start your journey.
  2. If you feel sleepy while driving, pull over immediately.
  3. Start your journey early and plan for delays to avoid last-minute speeding.
  4. Be patient towards other road users who may be feeling the same as you.
  5. Be especially cautious around sunset before Iftar time.
  6. Keep a sufficient distance between other vehicles and don’t tailgate.
  7. Always adjust your speed to the road and weather conditions.
  8. Always wear your seat belt, even when in the back.
  9. Expect the unexpected; stay aware of those around you.
  10. See and be seen. Before you head out on the road at night, make sure that your headlights, taillights and signal lights are on, clean and working properly.
  11. Remain alert and concentrate on defensive driving techniques.
  12. Consider public transport, take a taxi or car share if you’re feeling red.